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Yucca Mountain Research Collection: Collection History

Information and resources for the Nuclear Regulatory Commission Yucca Mountain Research Collection

Collection History and Location

During its time as a Nuclear Regulatory Commission depository, the University of Nevada, Reno collected thousands of documents related to the potential nuclear waste repository at Yucca Mountain, Nevada. The collection includes U.S. Government issued reports and contractor work related to the proposed site, as well as email communications, letters, research articles, books, educational pamphlets, maps, and other materials related to Yucca Mountain nuclear waste repository activities.

The monograph section of the collection consists of documents that have been individually cataloged and are organized by Library of Congress catalog or SuDOC number. The manuscript section of the collection is housed in archival boxes, with a corresponding finding aid.

The Yucca Mountain Research Collection is located on the basement floor of the DeLaMare Library.

This collection was housed, described, and cataloged thanks to a generous LSTA (Library Services and Technology Act) grant, funded through the independent federal agency IMLS (Institute of Museum and Library Services). The work on this collection was completed in 2017-2018.


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Chrissy Klenke
MM 103b
DeLaMare Science & Engineering Library
Mackay Mines
(775) 682-7371