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Biology: Articles/Research Databases

Biology Subcategories & Research

Which databases cover which subcategories of Biology? 

All Areas: Web of Science, Biosis Previews, CAB Direct

Molecular, Micro, Developmental or Cellular:  Biosis Previews, PubMed, Web of Science

Ecology and Conservation: CAB Direct, Biosis Previews, Ecology Abstracts, Agricola

Systematics or Taxonomy: Zoological Record, Biosis Previews

Biochemistry: SciFinder Scholar, PubMed, Biosis Previews

Deep (Historical): JSTOR, WorldCat, Dissertations & Theses

Books at the University of Nevada, Reno

​To access the collections owned by the University of Nevada, Reno, use the Library Search on the Library's home page. You can choose Books under Resource Type on the Refine My Results menu.  To find specifically e-books, you can also select Available Online under Availability.  

To find items not owned by the University of Nevada, Reno, also use the Library Search, but check the box labeled Add Results Beyond Your Library.   Most of these titles can be borrowed through our Interlibrary Loan Service.

Interlibrary Loan and Campus Express

Need books or articles that the University of Nevada, Reno Libraries don’t own? Submit a request through Interlibrary Loan. Need a journal article or book chapter from the Knowledge Center or DeLaMare Library? Receive electronic copies through the Libraries’ Campus Express service. To place requests of either type, visit:

Best Databases for Finding Biology Articles

Other Useful Databases for Research in Biology

Life & Environmental Sciences Librarian

Profile Photo
Amy Shannon
Knowledge Center 214-D (inside Research Services)
(775) 682-6624

Endnote Web

Looking for a good way to manage all of those citations? Want to automatically format citations in any of thousands of styles?

Check out Endnote Web (formerly known as Endnote Basic or Endnote Online)

For another option, check out Zotero.

Journal Title Search

Already know which journal you need?

Search or browse E-Journals by Title or Subject

Image and Video Databases