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Biology: Instructor Resources

UNR Libraries Instructional Services

The University Libraries has a wide variety of services to support your instruction including:

  • In-person and virtual instruction to classes including both synchronous teaching sessions and development of asynchronous modules to include in Canvas.
  • Customized workshops on many additional topics including citation management, professional presentation, data management and more.
  • One-on-one research consultations with students or faculty researchers.
  • Assignment development to meet Silver Core requirements, particularly Core Objective 3: Critical Analysis and Use of Information.
  • Affordable teaching materials recommendations, including identifying open and e-textbooks.

Reusable Online Learning Modules

For lots more, check out UNR's guide to finding and using Open Educational Resources, including learning modules, e-textbooks, and more.

Research Librarian

Profile Photo
Amy Shannon
Knowledge Center 214-D (inside Research Services)
(775) 682-6624