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Covidence: Importing References

A guide to using Covidence, a screening and data extraction tool for conducting systematic and other reviews.

Importing Reference into Covidence

The primary way of getting references into Covidence is by exporting them from a database or citation manager like EndNote or Zotero in the form of a RIS file. Click on the down arrow within the "Importing References" tab in this guide and select the database or manager you are using for specific instructions on how to import references from that location or tool into Covidence. 

Getting Help

There are several ways you can learn more about these and other Covidence features:

First, check out Covidence's support pages

Covidence maintains a YouTube channel with instructional videos and recorded webinars. They also offer monthly webinars

And, finally, remember that you can always ask a librarian for help! If you are affiliated with the School of Medicine or with Nursing, email or book an appointment with a librarian at the Savitt Medical Library. Those affiliated with other colleges, schools, and departments on campus, book an appointment with Health Sciences Librarian Elena Azadbakht.