Perform a search in an EBSCOhost database.
Click on Share.
Under Export results, choose “E-mail a link to download results.” (You can export up to 25,000 citations this way, but the number you’ll see here is the amount of citations your search yielded up to 25,000.)
This will take you to a new page titled Export Manager. Type your email into the form and select RIS Format from the list of options and hit Send.
A pop-up box will appear informing you that a link to the file will appear in your inbox shortly.
Save the RIS file to your local machine and/or to a cloud location.
From within Covidence, go to your review and select Import references. Then click on the Import button. Select the step in the review in which you would like the imported references to be placed (e.g., "Screen") and upload the RIS file you saved.