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Covidence: EndNote

A guide to using Covidence, a screening and data extraction tool for conducting systematic and other reviews.

Importing References from EndNote

(These instruction are for EndNote Web available through the Web of Science database. The desktop version of EndNote may look a little different.)

Within EndNote, select Format from the menu bar and then Export References from the submenu.

This is screenshot of an example EndNote Basic/EndNote Web library. Click on Format in the menu bar and choose the Export References option.  

On the next screen, select the EndNote group (folder) you wish to export to Covidence. Then select Refman (RIS) Export as your export style. Save the file to your local machine and/or a cloud location.  

Login into Covidence and select your review. Select Import references and then click on the Import button.

Select the area within your review that you want the citations to be placed such as Screen or Full text review.

This is a screenshot of the Import References step within a Covidence review. You can choose which step in the review process you want your imported citations to go to. In this example, we are sending them into the Screen stage by selecting that option from within the dropdown menu.

Click Choose File and select the file you downloaded from EndNote. Click the Import button again.

The references have now been imported into your review, and you can begin screening by selecting the Continue button. 

This a screenshot depicting one of the steps in the review process where you will be taken once you have selected which step in the review process you want your imported references to go to. You can begin screening your references by selecting the Continue button.