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MLA Citation Guide (MLA 9th Edition): In Digital Assignments

Discover the ins and outs of MLA citation

Digital Assignments

What am I legally required to cite in my digital assignment?

You must cite the sources (images, videos, books, websites, etc.) that you use in digital assignments. You must cite the source (where you got the information from) and the creator of the content (if available). 

What citation style do I use for the sources in my digital assignment?

Please refer to your instructor's directions and citation style preference. There is not one required citation style for assignments.

Listing Sources in PowerPoint, Videos, and Websites

Powerpoint you create: List your sources in a slide at the end of the Powerpoint presentation, with in-text citations throughout your presentation as applicable. You could also provide a print copy of the sources you used to those attending your presentation. 

Videos you create: List your sources in a credits screen at the end of the video.

Websites you create:

  • For images, include a citation under each image using this format “From: XXXX” and then make the image a link back to the original image. Or list the citation at the bottom of the web page.
  • For quotes or material from other sources, include an in-text citation that links back to the original material.

Images you create: If possible list your sources at the bottom or side of the image. Otherwise, include a list of citations alongside the image where ever it’s uploaded (e.g. Flickr, Blackboard).

Note: The above are recommendations. Your instructor may have a preference and directions for how and where to list sources for your assignment. If you don't receive specific instructions from your instructor, try to include citations in a way that doe snot impact the design of your digital assignment.