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GIS (Geographic Information Systems): ArcGIS Online

Create and ArcGIS Online Account

Update: As of August 15th, 2024 our Institution of Esri products have moved from manual non-SSO account request, setup, and log-in to automatic SSO account setup log-ins. In addition, the University ArcGIS Online Organization updated the URL from to For those of you who currently have an active non-SSO account please refer to the ArcGIS Organization FAQ's page for details about what this transition means for you and further steps to take. If you have any additional questions, please contact your ArcGIS Administrators or OIT for help.

This page provides:


All current UNR students, staff, and faculty have access to ArcGIS Online, Pro, and applications. 

Create an ArcGIS Online (AGOL) Account

Steps:  Document instructions

  1. Go to, and click Sign In.
  2. SSO Login (NEW) – select the drop-down “Your ArcGIS Organization’s URL."
  3. Type in the text box UNReno and click Continue.
  4. Click on UNR NetID.
  5. Sign in with your email, then continue with the SSO authentication process.
  6. After you successfully authenticate to UNR SSO, a new ArcGIS Online USERNAME will be created automatically for you. This USERNAME is created as your email underscore unreno  “netid.unr.edu_unreno:”

This USERNAME can now be used both for ArcGIS Online and ArcGIS Pro.



Each AGOL University Organization Account receives 500 credits by default. Email an Esri Campus administrator if you need additional credits. 

"Credits are the currency used across ArcGIS Online. They are consumed during specific transactions, such as performing analytics and storing features. ArcGIS Online and any ArcGIS product that interacts with ArcGIS Online, such as ArcGIS Pro, Insights for ArcGIS, ArcGIS Business Analyst, ArcGIS Enterprise, and Survey123 for ArcGIS, can use credits."  To learn more check out Understanding and Management Credits in ArcGIS Online

Use the Credits by capability table to estimate how many credits you will need to perform specific transactions or store data for your project.

UNR ArcGIS Administrators

UNR ArcGIS Organization Administrators



ArcGIS includes a wide range of apps that help you interact with the maps and data in your organization. 

Some of the Esri apps that are licensed and accessed through the AGOL website are available in the app launcher. Once logged in, click the Apps button (six dots icon) in the upper right corner to view the list of apps available to you. Once signed in to your organization, you can access the following from the app launcher

When you click an app in the app launcher, it opens in a new browser tab.

Here are some recommended applications:

  • StoryMaps - Create inspiring, immersive stories by combining text, interactive maps, and other multimedia content. Publish and share your stories.
  • Survey123 - ArcGIS Survey123 is a simple and intuitive form-centric data gathering solution. Create, share and analyze surveys in just three easy steps.
  • Field Maps - ArcGIS Field Maps is a mobile solution that allows you to capture data, perform inspections, take notes, and share information with the office. Use the Field Maps web app to configure maps and deploy them for use in the field.
  • AppStudio  - ArcGIS AppStudio is a suite of productivity tools for building and deploying native apps to smartphones, tablets, and laptop/desktop devices.
  • Dashboards - ArcGIS Dashboards enable users to convey information by presenting location-based analytics using intuitive and interactive data visualizations on a single screen.
  • Living Atlas - ArcGIS Living Atlas of the World is the foremost collection of geographic information from around the globe. It includes maps, apps, and data layers to support your work.
  • AppStudio - ArcGIS AppStudio is a suite of productivity tools for building and deploying native apps to smartphones, tablets, and laptop/desktop devices.
  • And more!

To learn more go to  ESRI Academy Training Courses and search for the application for a list of tutorials.


Getting Started with AGOL 

Esri Academy is a free online training resource and course catalog that provides a variety of options and learning paths for GIS. This academy is a self-paced learning platform to help GIS users at all levels to learn basics, applications, data management, mapping, spatial analysis, data science, field operations, scripting, imagery, remote sensing, 3D visualization and analytics for workflows, enhance projects with geographic context, and create information that leads to better decision-making. To learn more go to  ESRI Academy Training Course. 

With your organization AGOL account, you can access all the Free and Require Maintenance courses. The courses that are listed at a cost are not eligible.

Here are some recommended courses and paths to check out for AGOL:

  • ArcGIS Online Fundamentals - This 12-course focused plan is to understand ArcGIS Online capabilities, publish content to an ArcGIS Online organizational site, create web maps and apps, and review common ArcGIS Online administrative tasks.