Welcome to the Mary B. Ansari Map Library. We are located on the basement level of the DeLaMare Science & Engineering Library, Mackay Mines Building (#57). This guide provides information on the physical map collection and other map resources.
We are in the process of updating this guide to a webpage. Stay tuned!
Primary Service Hours: 9:30 am - 5 pm, Monday - Friday
Phone: (775) 784-6945
DeLaMare Library/262 | Mackay Mines Building | 1664 N. Virginia Street | Reno, NV 89557
Please direct questions to Chrissy Klenke
The Collection contains over 200,000 maps including topographic and earth science themes, for Nevada, Great Basin Region, United States and the world.
Circulation: Most maps and atlases may be borrowed for 4 weeks by anyone with a valid UNR ID or Community Borrower Card ($25 annual fee - $50 for out of state - free for Alumni). All maps must be returned to the DeLaMare Library.
For online digital map collections check out Nevada in Maps.