Indexes publications of the American Society of Civil Engineers, including journals, conference proceedings, books, standards, manuals, magazines, and newspapers. Journal records from 1958- present, with abstracts back to 1970. Book records, early 1900s - present.
Search the world's literature in earthquake engineering, for technical reports, conferences, books, and journal articles. Over 100,000 abstracts, 1971 - present.
Comprehensive database from Cambridge Scientific Abstracts. Contains nearly 2 million records in geology. 1785 - present.
International index coverage of engineering and applied science literature in thousands of journals, conference proceedings, and technical reports. Includes Compendex, GeoRef, and Knovel. 1884 - present.
Environment Complete offers coverage in applicable areas of agriculture, ecosystem ecology, energy, environmental law, public policy, natural resources, geography, and more. Includes coverage from 1940s, as well as full text for hundreds of journals.
Formerly Environmental Sciences and Pollution Management, this database provides interdisciplinary coverage of journal articles and documents in the environmental sciences from 1960- present. Includes AGRICOLA & TOXLINE. Many documents are available in full-text.
A comprehensive index to world literature on all technological and engineering aspects of air, water, and soil quality, environmental safety, sustainability, and energy production. 1990 - present.
Abstracts of journal articles, books, & other reports pertaining to water resources. 1967- present.
This collection contains over 21,000+ journals from 1900-present and includes: Science Citation Index, Social Sciences Citation Index, Arts and Humanities Citation Index and others. Search by subject, author, or cited reference. An excellent current awareness and bibliography-building tool.