Mathewson-IGT Knowledge Center
Life sciences, health sciences, psychology, environmental and general science
DeLaMare Science and Engineering Library
Physical sciences, geosciences, engineering, and computer science
Specialist librarians are available to help you refine your topic, choose databases, cite your sources, create maps, connect with the makerspace resources and lots more!
Elena Azadbakht - Health Sciences
Chrissy Klenke - Earth & Geosciences
Katie Jefferson - Medicine
Lara Katrina Schott - Nursing
Amy Shannon - Life and Environmental Sciences
Teresa Schultz - Psychology
Jessie Simpson - Chemistry, Math & Physics
The following links all lead to interdisciplinary databases. For a particular branch of science, choose a Subject Guide.
A science database produced by Web of Science. Includes literature in over 150 scientific fields searchable by subject, author, or cited reference.1965 - present.
This multidisciplinary database indexes over 6,000+ scholarly journals, with full text for almost 3,100 titles. Covers social sciences, humanities, education, computer science and engineering, general science, medicine, ethnic studies, and more. 1975 - present for selected titles.
Most databases contain a mix of peer-reviewed/scholarly articles and popular articles. Most broad inquiries will net several hundred results, so keep these tips in mind when searching:
Formerly Environmental Sciences and Pollution Management, this database provides interdisciplinary coverage of journal articles and documents in the environmental sciences from 1960- present. Includes AGRICOLA & TOXLINE. Many documents are available in full-text.