This resource has been cancelled and will be unavailable after August 31, 2024. We suggest using EBSCO’s Points of View Reference Source as a substitute.
A collection of reports covering political and social issues, with regular reports on topics in health, international affairs, education, the environment, technology and the U.S. economy.
For complete listing of government resources, refer to the Government Information Library Guide
Full text and citation searching of journal articles, dissertations, and book reviews on all aspects of North American history, including the United States and Canada. Covers publications from 1954 to present.
Index to U.S. Congressional publications; text of bills, laws, regulations, Congressional testimony and publications; legislative histories; members and committees of Congress. 1789 - present. Formerly LexisNexis Congressional.
Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) Documents
Most federal agencies have Freedom of Information offices that administer the provision of internal documents requested through the Freedom of Information Act. Generally there are links to FOIA Web sites from the respective agency home pages. Their contents vary, but among those that provide full text are:
Organized alphabetically by organization, this collection covers a wide range of viewpoints on political, social, cultural, and economic issues. Includes full text of FBI files documenting internal organization, personnel, and activities of prominent American radical groups.