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Counseling: Tests & Measures

Finding Tests and Measures

Tests and measures are created by researchers in a variety of disciplines for a variety of purposes. Many instruments have gone through rigorous testing for validity and reliability and are excellent tools for use in research studies.

Some instruments are published in books and journal articles and are available for re-use. Other instruments are only available for use for a fee and must be ordered. In some cases you need not pay a fee but must request permission. A database such as PsycTESTS will list re-use information. 

Tips for Finding Tests and Measures

Keep these tips in mind when searching for tests and measures:

  • As you read through scholarly journal articles, you'll find references to various tests that were used. You can search for these tests by their names in some of the databases and books listed here.
  • Tests and measures that are located in scholarly journals and dissertations and theses will generally be included in an appendix at the end of the paper.
  • You can search for tests and measures by a particular topic, such as anxiety or creativity. If you're searching in a database such as PsycINFO, ERIC, or ProQuest Dissertation and Theses, try using words such as evaluation, measure, or instrument as search terms.
  • You can try searching for tests through Google or Google Scholar, but be aware that free versions of tests may be shortened or altered.
  • Many tests are listed by their abbreviations. Make sure to search for all iterations of a test name when searching.
  • If you can't find a copy of an instrument, you can try contacting the author (or publisher, if you can find this information). Contact information for authors is generally included in all scholarly journal articles. You can also search for author contact information through Google.
  • For more information, see APA's FAQ: Finding Information about Psychological Tests.

Tests and Measures Database

Use one of these databases to find published instruments. Some content provides complete or partial copies of instruments, some provides reviews of instruments, and some provide links to examples of journal articles that have used instruments.