Tests and measures are created by researchers in a variety of disciplines for a variety of purposes. Many instruments have gone through rigorous testing for validity and reliability and are excellent tools for use in research studies.
Some instruments are published in books and journal articles and are available for re-use. Other instruments are only available for use for a fee and must be ordered. In some cases you need not pay a fee but must request permission. A database such as PsycTESTS will list re-use information.
Keep these tips in mind when searching for tests and measures:
Use one of these databases to find published instruments. Some content provides complete or partial copies of instruments, some provides reviews of instruments, and some provide links to examples of journal articles that have used instruments.
APA PsycTESTS provides access to published, unpublished, and commercially used psychological tests, measurements, and instruments. It offers links to supporting documentation, articles discussing instruments from conception to use, and, in many cases, full or partial access to the tests. PsycTESTS is provided by the American Psychological Association.
The books below contain various tests and measures. For more collections, see TMdb: Tests and Measures in the Social Sciences.