CINAHL Complete provides access to the literature in nursing and 17 allied health disciplines dating back to 1937. Over 5000 journals are indexed including virtually all English-language nursing journals along with selected titles in biomedicine, alternative therapies, and consumer health. It also offers access to Evidence- Based Care Sheets, searchable cited references, and over 250 research instrument descriptions.
Sponsored by: Nevada Statewide Licensed Databases, through the IMLS
Provides access to hundreds of scholarly full-text journals in the nursing and allied health fields.
APA PsycINFO provides abstracts and full text of thousands of journals from the 1800s to the present. Includes books, book chapters, dissertations, and reports about psychology and related disciplines, including psychiatry, education, linguistics, neurosciences, pharmacology, and social work.
Updated daily, MEDLINE on the Ovid platform offers searchers seamless and up-to-the-minute access to over 23 million of the latest bibliographic citations and author abstracts from more than 5,600 biomedicine and life sciences journals in nearly 40 languages (60 languages for older journals). English abstracts are included in more than 80% of the records. Coverage dating back to 1946.
An Elsevier database that covers the same subjects as PubMed/MEDLINE, with an additional focus on drugs and pharmacology, medical devices, clinical medicine, and basic science relevant to clinical medicine. 1947 - present (selectively back to 1902).
Browse issues of the top health sciences journals using the links below. You can also find them in BrowZine or using the Journal Search.