Subject coverage includes film & television theory, preservation & restoration, screenwriting, production, cinematography, technical aspects, and reviews. This database provides cover-to-cover indexing and abstracts for hundreds of publications, with many articles and books available in full-text.
Over one million citations to books, scholarly journals, essay collections, working papers, proceedings, dissertations, and bibliographies from languages, literatures, linguistics and folklore. 1926 - present.
Sponsored by: Beckwith Memorial Endowment.
Core academic ebooks and journals in mathematics, humanities and social sciences disciplines, beginning with their first volumes (sometimes dating back to the 1800s). Issues from the most recent 3-5 years are not available.
A streaming video database that offers over 30,000 titles. The videos cover a variety of academic subjects, from producers such as BBC, PBS, Meridian, National Geographic, and more. Links can be shared through email, integrated into WebCampus, or viewed in the classroom.
This resource delivers more than 70,000 video titles spanning a wide range of subject areas and includes content from leading distributors, producers, and filmmakers.
Includes the following databases: BBC Video Collection, PBS Video Collection, 60 Minutes and Dance in Video
Docuseek streams essential independent, social-issue and environmental films to colleges, universities and K-12 schools, providing exclusive access to content from renowned leaders in documentary film distribution.