The following list is a select list of chemistry specific journals that contain original research articles written by researchers and experts within the field of chemistry. We maintain a list of chemistry related journals available at UNR from various sources, including a diverse array of topics within chemistry.
Access to about 40 peer-reviewed research journals published by the American Chemical Society (ACS). Coverage dates vary by journal title.
Current and archival content from RSC journals, covering the fields of biology, biophysics, chemical science, materials, medicinal drug discovery and physics. The Journals Archives includes all 238,000 articles published by the RSC and its forerunner societies, from 1841 to 2004.
CAS SciFinder-n is a research and substance discovery tool of the Chemical Abstracts databases containing literature from many scientific disciplines and the CAS registry database. Now includes CAS Analytical Methods and CAS Formulus.
This collection contains over 21,000+ journals from 1900-present and includes: Science Citation Index, Social Sciences Citation Index, Arts and Humanities Citation Index and others. Search by subject, author, or cited reference. An excellent current awareness and bibliography-building tool.
Web interface to the Cambridge Structural Database (CSD). Contains published crystallographic data on organic, organometallic, and metal complex structures whose 3D structures have been determined using X-ray diffraction or neutron diffraction.
Note: When accessing new data content, the University of Nevada, Reno site ID and a University of Nevada, Reno specific annual confirmation code may be required. Send us an email to request a current access code.
Records for dissertations and theses from 1861 to the present day, with full text for most of the dissertations added since 1997 and some full-text coverage for older works