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EndNote Online - Savitt

Share References

Use the Manage My Groups link under the Organize tab. Click the Manage Sharing button next to the group you’d like to share.

Enter the email addresses of the people with whom you’d like to share.

Note: Any individual you share your group with must have an EndNote account to view references, and you must use their account email address.

Choose whether to give your colleagues Read only access or Read & Write access. Click Apply.

  • Read only access allows designated users to view references, use them in Word documents, or copy them to their library.
  • Read & Write access allows the designated user to do everything allowed with read-only access plus editing, adding, or deleting references.

Your group should now appear in the left column of their account under Groups Shared by Others. An icon indicating the group is shared will appear next to the group on your account.

In order to use references from a shared group for editing a document, the person who is not the original owner of the group will need to do one step before the citations are available in Cite While You Write:

  • In EndNote Basic, click on the Organize/Other's Groups tab.
  • Make sure both Show and Use for Cite While You Write are checked.

Note: Attachments will not be shared. You cannot share the All My References, Unfiled, or Quick List groups.