Some databases (such as PubMed and Embase) do not offer a direct import for EndNote. Instead, you must save your citations as a text file and then import them into EndNote.
- Perform a search in PubMed. Select the checkboxes to the left of the records you want to add to EndNote
- Click the Send to button and select Citation manager from the drop-down menu
- A new dialog box opens. Click on the Create file button then save the file on your computer (you can delete this file after the references are imported to EndNote.
- Now that the references are downloaded, you can import them into EndNote. In EndNote, click the Collect tab and select Import References
- Click the Choose File button and browse your computer for the saved file
- In the Import Option drop-down menu, select PubMed (NLM)
Note: You can add Import Options to a list of your favorites so you don't have to keep searching for the options you use most frequently. When you click on Select Favorites, find the option you want and then click on Copy to Favorites.
- In the To: drop-down menu, you must select a group, create a new group, or select [Unfiled]. If you create a new group, you can name the group after you click Import