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Editing Items in your Library

You can open any reference in your library and add additional information or fields.  This is handy for folks who want to add their own searchable keywords. Just view the record by clicking on the title and choose “edit”. 

Organizing your Library

Groups are subsets of your library that can be outputted to bibliographies or shared with other researchers.  A single item in your library can exist in multiple groups.  Items that are not in any groups can be found in [Unfiled].

To create a group:

  1. Check the box to the left of each citation you wish to put in the group.
  2. Using the "Add to group" dropbox, select "New Group".
  3. A pop-up box will appear asking you to name your group.  Enter a name and click "OK".

Note: You may need to allow pop-ups and repeat the process.

To add items to an existing group:

  1. Check the box to the left of each citation you wish to put in the group.
  2. Using the "Add to group" dropbox, select the group.

To view a group's contents: Click on the group name in the left column.

To remove items from a group:

  1. Check the box to the left of each citation you wish to remove.
  2. Click "Delete". Items will return to the [Unfiled] group unless they were also part of another group.

Note: To remove items completely from your library you must delete them from [Unfiled] or "All My References".

To rename or delete a group, choose the ORGANIZE tab and "Manage my groups".

Sharing Groups

You can share a group with one or more other Endnote users.  This is great when you are co-authoring a paper or working on a joint project. 

To share a group:

  1. Choose the ORGANIZE/MANAGE MY GROUPS tab.
  2. Check the "share" box next to the group you wish to share and click "Manage Sharing".
  3. Click "Start Sharing this Group"
  4. Add the email addresses that are the usernames for the users you would like to share the group with.
  5. Choose their permission level (Read-only or Read and Write) and APPLY.
  6. Close window.

Your group should now appear in the left column of their account under "Groups Shared by Others".  An icon indicating the group is shared will appear next to the group on your account. 

Note: You cannot share the "All My References", "[Unfiled]" or "Quick List" collections.